In 2024, the Athi Kapiti Wildlife Conservancies Association (AKWCA) organized two impactful ranger training sessions at the TWF Centre, held in May and August. These training sessions brought together rangers from multiple conservancies within the Athi Kapiti region, aiming to enhance their skills in wildlife monitoring, anti-poaching tactics, and community engagement. The sessions covered a range of topics, from advanced tracking techniques and first aid to understanding the latest conservation tools and technologies. This initiative also fostered stronger bonds among rangers, building a network of support for managing shared conservation challenges across the landscape.
Each training session included both classroom instruction and field exercises, providing rangers with practical, hands-on experience in the field. The rangers had the opportunity to apply their training through simulated scenarios, helping them prepare for real-world conservation issues. AKWCA’s commitment to continuous skill development through these sessions reflects its dedication to equipping rangers with the tools and knowledge they need to protect the region’s biodiversity and ensure the sustainability of local conservancies